Wednesday 27 February 2013

The Wonder of Fresh Eyes

My novel is on hold because I've found out about a short story anthology that wants sci-fi stories with female protagonists, and I thought my story Meet the Veals would be perfect for it. I thought Veals was edited to death: I submitted it for a short story competition last May and must have read it dozens of times before that, eventually making it so unrecognisable from the original that only the basic story remained, all the words were changed. But now, nine months later, my pen was out straight away crossing out line after line and making innumerable changes. It's amazing what a fresh pair of eyes does to a story: no matter how close to perfect you think something is, putting it away for a few months will always leave you with a ton of changes you can't believe you didn't see all those edits ago. I just hope one day I can actually finish something and read it back a year later without cringing and covering it in red pen.

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