Friday 31 May 2013

It's Been A While

Gosh, I haven’t posted on here for ages. It turns out when you’re trying to buy a house you really don’t have time for anything. So many headaches, so much advice, so very tired. But now we’ve bought one and moved in so things will hopefully get back to normal. I can start reading books at a normal pace, and maybe, shock horror, do some writing too! The manuscript for my novel is tucked away somewhere in the thousand boxes of the move, but once I track it down I’m going to plough on with my second edit, and hopefully soon it’ll be in the kind of shape where I’ll let a couple of people read it, and then send it on to some agents to get some stinging criticism or complete ignorance. Just wanted to let you know that I’m back and raring to go again, and hopefully my beautiful new house will inspire my writing on beyond my wildest dreams.


  1. Congrats on the move! I know exactly how you feel. Half of my books are still in boxes and won't be sorted until we decide what we're doing with our rooms. There was also a notable posting drought on my blog in April!
    Salman Rushdie can't be the easiest thing to read whilst you're moving .... can't wait to hear what you think though.

  2. Three quarters of the boxes from our move were full of books! I've bought some giant IKEA bookcases so slowly getting sorted :-) Two-thirds of the way through The Moor's Last Sigh now, it's brilliant, not quite Midnight's Children but pretty close
