Friday 14 September 2012

Being Married

Apologies for my silence over the past few weeks, I've been busy getting married so have had no time for anything else. Even now everything's official, it's hard to fit anything in as I keep getting distracted and entranced by the ring on my finger. I took it off earlier and my hand looked ridiculous: bare and cold and miserable. Getting married is the greatest thing I've ever done, I've never felt so happy or excited. It feels strange to me that usually when you do something brilliant, like visit an exciting new country or see a great film, you can always experience that event again if you want to, but getting married is the most fun I've ever had and I'll never be able to do it again. Well, I don't want to anyway. It was a blast.

All this has meant that I haven't been able to write or think about writing very much, so I still have a story that's 90% done and I need to get over the finish line with, and a novel that hasn't been worked on for ages. But I now know what it's like to get married, to go on honeymoon, and to be a newlywed, so all off this knowledge can surely only make me a better writer. Next time I sit down I'll have all these new emotions and experiences to draw from, and then I'll be unstoppable!

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